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Dhr. Niels De Nutte

Institution / Instelling:Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO)
Website / Site web:
Methodologieën / Methodologies:Beschaving – Cultuur / Civilization – Culture, Ethiek / Ethique, Godsdienstgeschiedenis / Histoire des religions, Politiek en Staat / Politique et Etat
Onderwerpen / Sujets:Instellingen / Institutions, Leven na de dood / Vie après la mort
Perioden / Périodes:Twintigste eeuw / Vingtième siècle CE, Contemporain / Hedendaags
Regio's / Régions:Amérique du Nord / Noord-Amerika, België / Belgique, Europe de l’ Ouest / West-Europa
Grote tradities / Traditions majeures:Atheïsme en religiekritiek / Athéisme et critique de la religion, Vrijmetselarij en "fraternalism" / Franc-maçonnerie et “fraternalisme”
Étiquettes | Labels:Doctoral candidate

Publicaties | Publications

Books and edited volumes

Tyssens J, (ed.), De Nutte N, (ed.), Schröder S, (ed.). The Non-religious and the State: Seculars crafting their lives in different frameworks from the Age of Revolution to the Current Day. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. (book series New Perspectives on the History of Liberalism and Freethought)(forthcoming 2024)

De Nutte N. (ed.). Symposium on Julia Martínez-Ariño’s Urban Secularism. Brill, 2023. 40 p. (Secular Studies 5; no. 2).
Tyssens J, (ed.), De Spiegeleer C, (ed.), De Nutte N, (ed.). Secularity and Belgium's Death System, 1850-1950. Brill, 2022. 92 p. (Secular Studies 4; no. 1).

De Nutte N, (ed.), Gasenbeek B, (ed.). Looking Back to Look Forward: Organised Humanism in the World. Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the United States of America: 1945 – 2005. Brussels: VUBPRESS, 2019. 172 p.

Book Chapters

De Nutte N. Accomodationism as a Battlefield, in victory or defeat? The ‘Recognition’ and Subvention of Local Secular Humanists in Belgium in the 1970s. In Tyssens J, De Nutte N, Schröder S, editors, The Non-religious and the State: Seculars crafting their lives in different frameworks from the Age of Revolution to the Current Day. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. (in publication)

Tyssens J, De Nutte N. Les évolutions du monde laïque belge depuis 1990. In Schreiber J.P e.a., editors, Religions et laïcités en France et en Belgique. Paris : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2024. (In publication).

De Nutte N. Dealing with the ambiguity of end-of-life decision-making. Living wills and patients’ rights in Belgian end-of-life advocacy in the 1980s and 1990s. In Dhondt P, Aalto S, Hansen A.K, Kontturi S, editors, Dealing with medical uncertainty in and through the history of medicine. Brill (Clio Medica). 2024. (in publication).

Vannieuwenburg A, De Nutte N. Le Blandijn, sans confession? Raison critique et athéisme au coeur de la formation en sciences morales dispensée à l'Université de Gand. Le rapport avec la laïcité organisée. In Dartevelle P, De Spiegeleer C, editors, Histoire de l'athéisme en Belgique. Brussel: ABA Editions. 2021. p. 89-116. (Etudes athées).

Vannieuwenburg A, De Nutte N. De goddeloze Blandijn? Kritische ratio en atheïsme binnen de opleiding moraalwetenschap aan de Rijksuniversiteit Gent en de relatie met de georganiseerde vrijzinnigheid. In Dartevelle P, De Spiegeleer C, editors, Geschiedenis van atheïsme in België. Gent: Liberas (Liberaal Archief). 2021. p. 73-92.

De Nutte N, Gasenbeek B. Introduction. In De Nutte N, Gasenbeek B, editors, Looking Back to Look Forward: Organised Humanism in the World. Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the United States of America: 1945 – 2005. VUBPRESS. 2019. p. 11-21

De Nutte N. Vrijzinnigheid: Post-War Humanism in Flanders In De Nutte N, Gasenbeek B, editors, Looking Back to Look Forward: Organised Humanism in the World. Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the United States of America: 1945 – 2005. Brussels: VUBPRESS. 2019. p. 43-74.

De Nutte N, Tyssens J. Comparative Humanisms: Secularity and Life Stances in the Post-War Public Sphere. In De Nutte N, Gasenbeek B, editors, Looking Back to Look Forward: Organised Humanism in the World: Belgium, Great Britain, The Netherlands and the United States of America 1945-2005. VUBPRESS. 2019. p. 151-171.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

De Nutte N. In the Face of Death. Societal Attitudes and Popular Opinion on Medical Aid and Dying in Belgium 1936–1950. Secular Studies. 2022; 4, no. 1.

De Nutte N, Van Dyck A. Using Data to Combat Religious Persecution: The Freedom of Thought Report. International Journal for Religious Freedom. 2021; 12, no. 1-2.

De Nutte N. So to live, that one has also at the right time one’s will to death! Humanist euthanasia advocacy in Flanders between the 1970’s and 1990’s. A story of personal choice and therapeutic tenacity. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism. 2020; 28, no. 2.

De Nutte N. Une Belgique en faveur de non-croyance organisée. L'humanisme séculier est-il l’Église subventionnée des « sans religion » ?. Dossiers des Annales De Droit. 2019; 4.